Hallo! Ich wollte Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeiter noch mal ganz herzlich danken für den Bassbezug! Die Saiten klingen wirklich wunderbar und aus dem 1874 Bechstein kommt jetzt ein Klang hervor, den man heute nur für viel Geld bekommt!
Wouter Smekens - Komponist und Klavierbauer
..... Bass .... besser ..... Heller !!!
Andreas Guckel - www.klavierhaus-frankfurt.de
Best bass strings I have ever received. All my bass strings are now from HellerBass. Many Thanks Gregor !
Dan Silverwood - silverwoodpianos.com
We are extremely pleased with the sound and quality of the strings. In 51 years of piano work, your strings are the best I have used.
Darrell Fandrich - Fandrich & Sons USA - http://www.fandrich.com/
Somos un taller de reparaciones de pianos y necesitamos 2 juegos de bordones completos para colas, por favor deseamos saber si enviándoles la marca n° de serie y modelo nos pueden hacer, o es necesario medirlos individualmente, las marcas son Yamaha y Steinway.
Juan Antonio Martínez - Rincon Musical - Madrid - Spain - www.rinconmusical.es
Besser geht es nicht: perfekter Service und super Qualität. Weiter so ! Vielen Dank
Burkhard Loock - www.klavierservice-loock.de
Hellerbass has my warmest recommendations. You will not find bass strings better elsewhere. They are easy to work with and always 100% perfect in sound. I'm third generation in the business for our family and we do not compromise. Hellerbass is not only a German quality - it's the world's best.
Frederik Frankfurth from Harndrup - http://www.dengodestemning.dk/
Hellerbass est absolument formidable ! Merci !
Pianos Balleron - Paris - France - www.pianos.fr
... before I moved to Spain, I used to buy bass strings to some producers in the USA, e.g. SCHAFF, APSCO, S&S.... (long time ago) and I also bought your strings : you have the best strings of the world!!!!!!
Leonardo Pizzolante - Spain/Venezuela
Dear Heller & Co. Thank you for your good strings, good service and your good humor!
Pianokompagniet - Poul Wandahl - www.Pianokompagniet.dk
We are surprised and really grateful for your efficiency and speed. This is not german punctuallity. This is german miracle. Thank you very much.
Rafael Rodriguez – Musical Deusto - Spain - http://www.musicaldeusto.com
Mein Kollege und Ich waren sehr zufrieden mit Ihrer Arbeit. "Fantastisch mooi afgewerkt, prachtige klank (Ibachflügel 1895) en geen enkele rammel". Verstehen Sie das? Und auch dann noch die schnelle Lieferung...GRANDIOS. Vielen Dank hierfür.
Loes Vossen - Piano Vossen Holland - pianovossen.nl
Bonjour, Suite à notre dernière commande, nous voulions vous faire part du plaisir et de la satisfaction que nous avons de poser vos cordes de si bonne qualités. Merci à toute l'équipe pour votre bon travail. Cordialement
Michel et Estelle - Pianos Mullet - www.pianos-mullet.fr
Dear Mr. Gregor Heller! We have just installed your Hellerbass strings into a Hornung & Möller grand. I must say, that during my 25 years of experience in the pianobusiness, I have never seen or heard a better result. Your strings are excellent.
Jacob Volf - Jacob Volf Piano - Denmark - www.jacob-volf-piano.dk
Hi Gregor, the strings fit and sounded perfect. The piano was delivered this week and everything was great. I wanted to thank you for getting the strings back to me so quickly. Your strings are great and although I do not do many rebuilding jobs you will be my string supplier from this point forward.
Jay Byer - Byer Piano Service
Hellerbass strings: the best sounding, beautyful and with exact measurements I've ever heard and seen!
Jussi Karjalainen - Piano-Jussi Ab Stockholm Sweden - www.pianojussi.se
Dear Sirs, thank you so much for your very fast service. The Bass strings were perfect and were so much better than the original strings which were only nine years old. Thank you once again for such a good service and excellent strings. The concert grand was finished in time - thanks to you.
Peter Salisbury - Concert Piano technician - Royal Festival Hall - London
Pour moi, les cordes Hellerbass sont ce que j'ai vu et entendu de mieux : belles, précises, régulières... Avec vous je suis toujours super content des cordes !
A Mamane - www.mamane-pianos.com
Hi, I can't tell you how happy I am with the strings and especially the service. Maybe this is common in your country... The strings sound great, they went in with no problems, no buzzing, no breaking. All my bass strings will be Heller from now on. Thank you very much for all your attention to our needs.
Charles Jackson - Curator: The Piano Museum - www.pianomuseum.org
I am very satisfied by the strings. Especially the matching in unison tuning in the bichords is superb, better than original. So, very nice work from you. I know that I can rely on you for quality bass string making. Thank you.
Antonis Karavelis - Athens - Greece
Thank you for your good bass strings and fast and reliable service. By the way your homepage is very "state of the art".
Pianotjonustan - Mr. Sindri Heimisson, Mr. Stefan Birkisson - Reykjavik Iceland
Die Saiten passen und klingen hervorragend! Seit ich die Heller-Bässe kenne, spinne ich mir keine kompletten Bassbezüge mehr selber. Die Mitarbeiter der Firma Heller können das viel besser und preiswerter! Vielen Dank!
Walter Bittner - http://klavierbittner.members.cablelink.at
Having used nearly every bass string manufacturer on the planet, it is my pleasure to recommend Hellerbass bass strings for prompt, courteous and best of quality strings.
Michael Spreeman - founder and creator of Ravenscroft Pianos - www.ravenscroftpianos.com
Service de qualité; commande simplifiée par E mail, livraison rapide. Cordes équilibrées ... vous nous donnez envie de faire du bon travail....
Gilles Lambert - www.pianoshop.fr
Vielen Dank für Ihre schönen Saiten, die wir in Frankreich alle kennen, die hell wie Ihr Name klingen. Fast fünfzehn Jahre lang habe ich sie benutzt ohne irgendein Problem zu begegnen. Mit herzlichem Gratulieren!
Stephen Paulello - www.stephenpaulello.com